Notes from Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days
Author: Alan Richardson
I read “Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days”, written by Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslager. Rather than write a review. I uploaded my notes.
Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days - Notes
Mindset. Think like a Marketer all the time. What’s in it for your customer? What will benefit them? What value do you offer? Learn from others, and from your successes/failures (keep notes). Know which markets to play in.
Identify and challenge your beliefs about marketing to make sure they don’t hold you back.
Create/maintain a living network of contacts.
Know what goals you want your marketing to achieve. Have call to actions that satisfy those goals. Prioritise. Track. Measure. Focus.
Customers. What problems do they need solved? What is that worth to them? How do they want them solved?
Competitive advantage. What do you offer, that your competition doesn’t, which is of value to the customer?
Research your competition. What do they do well? Poorly? What would you want them to change if you were their customer? Apply this set of questions to yourself as well.
Identify your target market to focus. Where are they? When/How do they buy? What do they buy? What problems do they have?
Positioning. How do you want to be perceived? How are you perceived? Does your market value your position? What problem do you solve? What are your values? Why you? Summarise your position in short phrases that communicate clearly. Narrow down to one.
Niche. Expertise. Exclusivity. Efficiency. Customer Satisfaction. Loyalty (do they come back?). Narrow your focus. Position for the Niche.
Marketing Plan. Write down: purpose, target market, niche, benefits / solutions / competitive advantage, Identify (positioning), tactics / approaches, budget. Create to think through your approach. Identify your objectives / goals. Revisit, review and iterate.
Features - facts. Benefits - what’s in it for me? Benefits are the answer to “so what?”
Branding. Concise, consistent communication of your identify, values, position.
Marketing Communication. Format suitable for your niche. Communicating enough? Communicating with purpose? Clear CTA? Attention, Credibility, Action. (AIDA).
Advertising. Targeted. Positioned. Measured.
Networking. Plan which events. Goals for events. Do you know in advance who to target? Relationship building. Establish trust. Follow up. Maintain relationship.
Make symbiotic partnerships - reciprocal benefits.
Nothing has happened unless it has been marketed. Direct Selling. Listen. Ask Questions. Build Relationships.
Hooks. Information. Offer solution. Surprise. Emotive.
PR. Publicity. Others promote.
Marketing calendar. What can you time your message with?
Put yourself, and your customer’s needs at the centre of your marketing.